Toaster or Toaster Oven?
Today, I decided a blog is one of those things you simply have to have to call yourself a Christian (in addition to Chaco sandals, a Skype account, and more than one name tag covered in stylish graphics). Alas, here I am. I've never been a very successful blogger.. Thoughts pass through my head entirely too quickly for me to make a note to remember any of them. But we shall try this.
I've been teasing myself far too much lately. How you ask? Kitchenware. Casserole dishes and wine racks and basting brushes. I'm far too young for this. At this rate, I'll have a walker complete with tennis balls before I'm 30. I'll miss the soccer mom stage all together and NEVER have personalized Cheer stickers to put on my back windshield.
Speaking of walkers, I had clinicals in the nursing home last semester. One lady there saw things in the carpet designs, so it wasn't uncommon for her to ask you to bend down to pet the dog. One day she asked me if I could find a price tag on the milk jug she was looking at buying. I politely pointed it out to her, but neither of us could make out how much it was. She decided it would be cheaper to buy it from the delivery man. She then told me she had to go to Texas, saying that there were nice people there, and asked if I wanted to hop on the back of her hoveround and ride there with her. I declined, stating that I had to get back to work. I think I would have had a much more enjoyable day by spending it in Texas with her.
And on that note..
"Either this wallpaper goes, or I do!" -Oscar Wilde
:-) Welcome lovely girl!
One day she asked me if I could find a price tag on the milk jug she was looking at buying. oster toaster oven costco
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